Hazel doesn’t like it when I’m not there for bedtime. I’m guessing Kim told her to read in our bed until I got home. This is how I found her, fast asleep.
Margot: Mommy, how did I get you as my mommy? Mommy: I don’t know, Margot. How? Margot: Maybe one day there was a room with lots of Mommies and I came in and chose you because you were the best mommy? Mommy: Really? Margot: Yeah.
Ukulele lessons. I work a fair chunk these days, but it’s nice to have some flexibility about when I work. Took Hazel to lessons today. She loved it.
There is a Chinese word called ‘phuoc’ and it translates into ‘good fortune’ but in Buddhist terms it also means karma collected over current or previous lifetimes and manifesting into good fortune and generally being blessed. Tonight, I had to attend a parents only Back
When I told Hazel we we’re going on a hard, outdoor adventure today she asked,"like exercise like skiing?" Me: yeah, sort of. Her: Does that mean I can have a donut? Lol. Yup. It does.
Took the afternoon off today, leaving the store in the capable hands of staff. The goal was to visit the Adventure Playground in Orange county with Hazel and Margot. I’d seen several people post pictures of water, rafts, building, mud slides, etc etc. Turns out
Margot and I are discussing her wish to be older than Hazel. She thinks it’s not fair Hazel always gets to be older. It’s not going well.
Monday is my only day off, and isn’t always really a day off, but I’m working hard to keep it open. A few more weeks until real school starts, so the girls and I are skipping summer programs today to hang out.
super cute On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 6:42 PM Kim <kimluujennings> wrote:
We have tons of lizards in our garden, but this was the first time I found one in the house. He was tiny. Caught him in a cup. The girls were so excited and wanted to keep him, but I convinced them he’d be happier
Margot is very much a "Mommy’s girl". Kim is leaving for work early these days, and that frequently means Margot misses Kim in the morning, and Margot has a hard time with that, and cries for Mommy. Today, Hazel drew a picture for Margot to