Our Family Blog

We try and stay busy. We hope you enjoy our pictures and Stories. 

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Travel & Adventure:

Kim and I, with our friends Ray and Jeff, went out to Santa Cruz this weekend. On Saturday, we paddled from Scorpion cove to Smugglers Harbor, then back to sCorpion where we camped for the night. Sunday, we loaded our gear into the kayaks and

Kim and I vactioned in Zion National Park, where we hiked the amazing Narrows hike, learned about canyonering, explored some amazing canyons, had our car snacked on by squirrels, rode bikes and more. We're been lucky enough to travel to some amazing spots in the

Last weekend, Kim and I drove to Lake Tahoe, parked the car in Squaw Valley, and rode about 50 miles around the Lake to South Lake Tahoe on Saturday. The route included everything from bike paths to rolling hills to a LONG climb that led

Kim and I celebrated our anniversary this weekend (April 9) with a weekend trip to Monterrey Bay, CA. We went paddling Sat morning off a point near Pacific Grove. It was windy, and big, and stormy, so we didn’t get far, but it was a

Santa Cruz surf kayak contest is the biggest contest on the west coast. Great waves this year, and fun people as always. Every year I think I’m surfing much better than last year, and I probably am, but so is everyone else! So i didn’t

Just a few photos from some winter trips we took. Lake Tahoe with Paula and Erol   Mammoth with Helen and Scott. good times….    

Some of this has been copy/pasted from emails I sent, so if tenses shift midway, please excuse. I decided to take a Trip on Tuesday Jan 5th.  On Sat, the 9th I left for Ecuador. After some flight delays, I got into Quito at about

A few months back, my friend from b-school (Alex M.) emailed me and let me know that he had a camping site reserved at Joshua Tree for thanksgiving weekend. Although I rarely climb anymore, Joshua Tree still ranks as one of my favorite places in

Raising Kids: