Thanks to American Whitewater, we had releases on the NF feather this weekend. I only made it up for sunday, but had a good time paddling with my friend dan, and running into dozens of other paddling friends. Not much water for paddlers this late
[singlepic id=”1994″ nggid=”298″ w=320 h=240 float=]I’ve seen the Dave Matthews Band perform something like 40-50 times since ’93-’94. Nearly without exception, I leave every show thinking, “That was the best show I’ve seen.” Last night was no exception. [singlepic id=”1995″ nggid=”299″ w=320 h=240 float=] [singlepic
Kim and I had another fun weekend. Saturday we joined our freinds Erol and Paula for breakfast, then did a bike ride in Napa, stopping at several vineyards. Sunday I went to the Farmer’s Market, then we paddled the SF American with Jeff, Michael and
With the crazy rise in gas prices, and the fear of recession, papers and magazines keep talking about people taking “staycations”, where you take mini-vacations close to home. I think Kim and I did it this weekend, we had a great time. Saturday we chilled
Kim’s friend Hong came to visit us in Northern California. [nggallery id=”1633″ nggid=”97″]
John Day River A few months ago, my old climbing buddy Brian emailed me. I hadn’t seen him in 8 or more years, but we’ve stayed in touch. He’s retired from climbing these days, but has taken up rafting with enthusiasm. He was listing his
Kim and I went to Los Angeles for Mother’s Day. It was a nice weekend, Saturday evening we went for a big banquet dinner with Po-Po (grandma) and much of the extended family. Sunday we had a quiet morning, then went to Griffith observatory, with
I’ve spoiled myself over the last few days. I didn’t take pictures, but I had a great few days. Weds: S.F. American, Riverton to Peavine (plus a bit) -I got up early, worked for a bit, then drove and met Dan up at the takeout.
Kim and I headed over to Cache Creek today. We met our friends Paula and Erol. They were renting a small two person raft to join us. It was a gorgeous day, with lot’s of sun, and a good amount of water. Paula and Erol
Kim and I took our tandem whitewater kayak out for a fun run down the class II+ section of the North Fork American river, not far from our home. It was so nice, we went back and did another lap. A gorgeous day on a
Had a fun run down Pauley Creek today. The water was low, all the big drops went are were fun, but slightly excessive butt massage on the rest. It was a little low, but still good fun. [nggallery id=”1556″ nggid=”19″]
Yesterday I went paddling. Paddled my new Pyranha Everest kayak, which was awesome. Met my friend Sabrina at 1, and went and did a low water run on the South Fork Yuba. It was fun, and went smoothly. We pulled under the bridge at 4:15,
We had an awesome, fun day skiing/snowboarding at Alpine Meadows, near Lake Tahoe. It was a pretty day, warm spring conditions. I skiied my new (used, but new to me) Telemark skis, and had a great time, though I felt a bit wobbly and insecure.
Kim and I had our maiden voyage of our new (to us) toy, a KHS tandemMountain bike. It was fun, we did about 15 miles after work tonight.Nothing much, but given the short time we had available, I felt prettygood about it. It is used,
[singlepic id=”2289″ nggid=”768″ w=490 float=center] Kim and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary this weekend with a lovely weekend in Yosemite. Saturday morning we got up early, and drove there in time to get in a climb. [singlepic id=”2288″ nggid=”767″ w=320 h=240 float=] Kim is a
My husband and friends took me out to celebrate my belated 30th birthday with a deep sea fishing trip. It had been postponed for 3 months for various reasons, so even the sore throat and start of a cold that I woke up with that
Stare at the Dot in the center of the picture for 30 seconds WITHOUT looking away, put your mouse over the picture Looks like you are looking at a normal color photo, right? Nope…Look Away without moving your mouse. Believe it or not, there are
I was looking in my Picassa albums, and saw a folder of pictures that Nickolaus and Melissa Brown (brother and sister) had sent me. They were our trailmates on the Inca Trail when we went to Peru last fall, and were awesome. Loved them both.
In January 2000, I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Nepal to complete field research for my masters thesis in point of use drinking water treatment. I fell in love with the country and traveled back at the end of the year
Headed out to Kernville this weekend. Not many pictures, but I ran Brush creek a couple times, and ran the Chemise Gorge Section, The Thunder Run, Cables and the Powerhouse. Made some new friends and got to spend time with some old friends. Very good
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A few weeks ago, the Graduate School of Management hosted their Annual Snow day, for alumni and students. Gorgeous conditions and a super nice day at Kirkwood.
Kim works at Union Bank of California, in their Sustainability department. Her LinkedIn page is here. Geoff’s work is much harder to sum up in a single sentence. I have an MBA from UC Davis, and for several years ran a start-up trying to commercialize
These Photos are from October, 2007, but I’d never linked to them from here. Last October, we did a Murder Mystery Dinner Cruise in Long Beach to celebrate Phoung’s Birthday. The following day, there was an 80’s themed party to welcome John home from the
I haven’t done a ton of paddling this year, and taken even fewer picture, but these are a couple photos from a January trip down the NF American. It was a fun run, and a gorgeous day.
(click slideshow for larger images) Kim and I were in San Antonio for my Grandfather’s funeral last weekend. It was a sad weekend, of course, but it was nice to see my family so much. On Sunday morning, my parents were going over some stuff
My Grandpa passed away last week. I’m really going to miss him. He was an awesome Grandpa. He wrote his own obituary, and I’ve copied it below. JENNINGS Lieutenant General Hal B. Jennings, Jr., M.D., US Army (Retired) passed away on Feb. 12, 2008 at
Taylor wrote: > Got Vitamin I? (Ibuprofin)> You guys must have done the equivalent of running a marathon> yesterday. 5 or 6 hour session!?> We were out least 6 hours. Maybe closer to seven. It was incredible.I’m pretty beat today. Typing is hard. To sum