Hazel woke up a few minutes ago, much later than normal. She was showing signs of being a little under the weather yesterday. When she woke, we had a short conversation: H: where is mommy? G: oh, she had to leave for work already. Good
Hazel and I made a toy at the kidspace workshop. It’s a cup with a block on a string. She was pretty proud of herself.
Hazel and I had a great day at the science and natural history museum yesterday. Saw the Endeavor for the first time, which was cool for sure. A little bummed to learn there is no way to see inside.
Hazel wanted to ride her scooter to Popo’s house. I drove her around the corner, then we scootered there. Popo came out, and was helping Hazel with the scooter. I gave her a hug goodbye, started walking to the car. I turned to take a
Thanks grandma and grandpa. Hazel still loves her birthday gift. We went to the aquarium again today. Right now, she loves (to the point of ignoring a lot of other stuff) the touch exhibits. Today, she touched jellyfish, anemones, star fish, sea cucumbers, horned sharks
She wanted to take my picture. I actually have an old point and shoot I think I’ll give her.
So we could play with the toy trains identical to the one we have at home. In our living room.
Now here, and she won’t leave my shoulder. Sick toddlers are tough
For a little girl who just projectile vomited all over Starbucks. She is in a good mood, getting restless in the house, but not keeping anything down. I thought she was maybe better this morning. I asked her what she wanted for breakfast, and she
just a little comparison. I think Jennifer was a few months short of 2 in the photo, and Hazel is 2 years and 4 months. Tried to get the size close.