Category: Dailylife

She didn’t forget I promised her a treat.

To learn she could reach the water fountain all by herself. She is now very, very well hydrated

Hazel and I had an awesome day exploring both the Natural History Museum, where we are members, and the amazing, free, California Science Center, which are adjacent to each other. We’ve been before, but Hazel loves both and each time we seem to find something

We rode the train to downtown, visited Kim at work, and then to the museums. Hazel had made butterfly wings and antennae at Kidspace a day or two earlier, and wanted to wear it on the trip.

Hazel is getting started gardening. We planted sunflower seeds, and got our first sprout. She’s also picked out her own tomato plants for the yard.

Last night we read the "eating fractions" book mom/grandma. Tonight we went to in n out, and I got Hazel a cheese and tomato sandwich. I asked her, "hazel, do you want me to cut it in half, or thirds? " Hazel replied "thirds" I


This hat was one I wore as a kid. I’m hoping my mom can find a picture of me wearing it, I thought it’d be fun to compare the two. Hazel is cuter I’m sure.

Peat moss is expensive. Hazel asked to sit by the windows so we could watch the cars.

Hazel was helping me sweep and clean the backyard today. It was slower than if I’d been working myself, but closer to actually helpful! G

Hazel made a birdhouse at the free clinic at Lowe’s today. Fun.

Hazel sat and listened to the snake talk for a solid 20 minutes, then was the only kid (out of 4) who was interested in touching it

Some pent up energy. And yes, the helmet is nearly useless, but it’s all they have…

No fever, no rash. Dr declared her not a risk for spreading disease. She’s her happy self again. Learning to play the ukulele.

I had medicine hazel needed to take, and she was fighting it badly. Trying to push me away, clenching her mouth, etc. I tried everything, and it was not going well. Just over it, I guess. Then- Me: hazel, did you like going to the

She still has a low fever, like 100-101, but she seems to be feeling a bit better. This is the most she has played with toys in days.

Hazels fever is sort of high again, and she was super fussy. I still think she’s on the mend, but still a sick little kid.

At the dr, they didn’t want to let us in the waiting room, due to germ fears. Ugh. Waiting in hallway. Guess who picked her own outfit Hazel (Hazel saw me typing, and wanted to spell her name, which is what is above)

Hazel woke from her nap with a specific request to walk and get ice cream. She was pretty happy for about 30 minutes, but it’s back to sick and fussy. Didn’t even finish a single scoop of ice cream… :/

Last night was rough. She was super.fussy. Feverish even with medicine. I’ve been carefully spacing the Tylenol since too much can be bad for the liver, but it means that the fever returns faster than the next dose. She’s been between 100-104 for a long

I went in the kitchen to cook some food, and this is what I found a few minutes later…. [tag]

Hazel seems to be pretty happy to be out of the house

It’s been a rough couple days with both Hazel and I being sick. I sent Kim to her mom’s since nobody knows exactly what’s wrong with us. I’ve got a sore throat and cough. Hazel has that, plus an ear infection, runny nose, and red

Hazel seems to be happy to be out of the house. [tag sick]

Is good for something. This is how I finally got a feverish, stuffy, fussy little girl to nap

Hazel only wants to wear dresses these days. She is a little sick, so I tried to get her to wear pants today, but she only wanted a dress and I didn’t think it was worth fighting. She picked a pink hello kitty dress. The

It’s really funny how Hazel really likes routines. She used to ask for Daddy to help her get to bed, but as of the last few months, she’s asked for Mommy and the patterns are pretty clear. Here bedtime routine is this: One story for

Hazel did her firetruck puzzle this morning, then wanted to put on her costume. The picture was my idea. =)

Hazel wanted to walk on the wall with "nooooooo help" When she got to the end, she was thrilled and yelled "Daredevil!!"

Hazel’s first time feeding the lorikeets at the aquarium of the Pacific.

Hazel’s first time feeding the lorikeets at the aquarium of the Pacific. [tag Aquarium, Gallery]

We picked some of our cauliflower the other day. I forget the name of the variety, but it has a cool purple hue to it. I was taking pictures of it inside, and Hazel asked to be in the picture. While we were taking pictures,

Home depot has new race car shopping carts. It’s very exciting.

Hazel likes the wolf statue.

Hazel has made a little friend today, who is being awesome and playing with her and taking her down the slides. I asked hazel if she wanted me to go with her, and she said "no, I want to go with my big kid friend"

Eventually she’ll figure out it is more fun with quarters, but right now she loves it anyway.

We walked past this wall today, and with no prompting, hazel asked for me to take her picture. Might be the last time she wears this dress, it was a bit tough to get on this morning. 🙁