Category: Dailylife

Hazel loves to get mail, and likes to hang it on the line we have up in her room.

A little boy is very patiently trying to teach Hazel how to read a clock.

Last night Hazel threw an epic tantrum. Like a half hour of screaming. I tried everything. Ignoring. Sympathizing. When she hit me, I took away a toy. Then I said, “ok, Hazel, only good girls get to go Starbucks. If you keep yelling, I’m taking

50¢ is a small price to pay to get a solid minute of her million dollar smile on a day like today. Edit   I wish it was just that. Margot is actually super mellow. Still early to tell if it’s personality, or a side

Margot is content to suck on her pacifier and stare out the window. Geoff and I aren’t sure if we should be grateful or concerned. Baby lethargy from jaundice or mellow baby. Hazel was never like this. I guess time will tell.

"Infants are the drill sergeants of parenting bootcamp. They give you four basic tasks – diapers, burping, feeding, and napping – and then scream at you when you do them wrong. There’s no encouragement, no smiles, just crying and quiet. And they give you tasks

I was asleep, and Hazel woke me up, loudly saying something. I opened her door, and she was really upset. "I don’t want all this candy in my bed!!!" I convinced her that there was no candy, and she went back to sleep….

In the hospital, they were closely monitoring Margot, since she had some jaundice. Less severe than Hazel, so she never had the photo-therapy that Hazel did, but enough to keep an eye on. We got sent home Saturday afternoon, and by Sunday lunchtime I was

We haven’t had an evening at home since last Tuesday, and Hazel is missing it. She’s started saying “I wish” lately, which alternates between cute abd heartbreaking. “I wish I had a BIG playground at our house” is cute. “I wish I could go to

Our easter bunny needs bigger eggs

We got home this afternoon. Kim is still feeling a little beat up and sore, but we’re all glad to be here. Hazel is loving Margot, and wants to be involved with everything. We had a little fuss at bedtime when Hazel’s routine was altered

Hazel and Margot meeting for the first time, and Hazel "holding" Margot for the first time.

“Aunty” Mel made cupcakes to celebrate the new baby.

Forgot the photos. 949-246-7605 On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Geoff Jennings <g> wrote: On Easter.

First picture of the 4 of us.

Kim is getting released today, but not until the afternoon. I took Hazel to kidspace this morning for an easter egg hunt. (Kims mom went to the hospital) Fun fun!

You don’t think? I told kim I thought she looked like a slightly more Asian version of Hazel. 🙂 First picture is hazel, second is Margot On Apr 18, 2014 6:02 AM, "katy Johnstone" <katy> wrote: She doesn’t look like Hazel at all. It will

First time I was able to get her to sleep. She likes to nurse, so so far I’ve been a poor substitute for Kim. Trying to let kim get a little rest.

Hazel is excited her new wagon has a cup holder for her Starbucks

Hazel got some new "Look and find" books the other day, which she loves. When I was making dinner, she wanted PoPo to help her read them. They were having a good time.

Hazel’s first hot dog!

Are taking a long time today.

Hazel is pretty happy with the wagon we picked up yesterday.

I asked Hazel to hold it carefully.

Grandma, watch your mailbox!

Means mommy gets to join Hazel and I at Starbucks. We come often enough they all know hazel by name.

Hazel loves her paint set.

Eating tricky sushi with chopsticks like an old pro.

Hazel took this.picture a minute later. By herself. She loves taking pictures. On Apr 5, 2014 7:49 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote: Raisins in the park at dusk.

Raisins in the park at dusk.

Hazel is "helping" me assemble her dresser with her tool belt on.

She didn’t forget I promised her a treat.