Category: Dailylife

Eating fresh raspberries in the garden.

Even if it’s just gas, it makes my day.

Hazel has been carrying around the dog that my grandma gave her when we were in England when she was 8 months old. She recently gave it a name "coconut tree".

At the famous grand central market in downtown los Angeles

First time wearing a dress. Dressed up for mother’s day. (Mom/grandma made this for Hazel)

Hazel likes books, and it’s not uncommon to find her sitting quietly, "reading" her books.

Studying the praying mantis we found in the yard.

Hazel and I are playing hide and seek. She’s hiding

Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. Kim and Hazel are building the flower delivery truck while Margot and plants and wander around.

Kim and Hazel are building the flower delivery truck while Margot and plants and wander around.

Hazel was very excited to eat the very first blackberry of the year.

She’s taking a picture of Margot

Hazel is loving the sweet corn tamales at the

Dear Grandpa Ron, Did you know that Ikea has Tabasco on their tables? I didn’t know Tabasco sauce was even from Sweden. Love, Hazel

I’ll be the happiest man alive On May 5, 2014 9:08 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote: I’ll be the happiest man alive.

I’ll be the happiest man alive.

[categories Hazel,DailyLife]

Took her into h&m to look for a hat, since the one we brought us too small. She won’t leave. She loves to shop. She picked up a purse, and won’t put it back.

Hazel frequently asks to hold Margot. It never lasts long, but it’s cute.

After a bath, we seem to just get a long period of awake, content baby. Just taking in the world, not fussing, sleeping, or nursing. Just chill.

This was supposed to have another attachment. Sent from my phone. Please excuse brevity and typos. On Apr 29, 2014 10:07 AM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote: Hazel was telling Margot what the pictures are. I thought it was a good chance to get a size

8.5 lbs! She’s gained a pound over last week, and has exceeded her 7 lb 11 oz birth weight.

Hazel was telling Margot what the pictures are. I thought it was a good chance to get a size comparison.

We are at PoPo’s spending the night. Hazel and I started story time after I was able to set Margo down by herself asleep. After 10 minutes though, MuiMui started to cry so I picked her up so we could resume story time. She promptly

Watching a two year old try and throw a frisbee is pretty funny


Jake’s Roadhouse > Dickey’s

Hazel helped me release ladybugs tonight. She was very proud, and kept telling me "I’m not scared of the ladybugs"

Margot seems pretty chill.

Concentrating hard on the tomato cages.

Hazel really likes bell peppers from the garden. She just ate two straight from the plant.