On Jun 21, 2014 4:11 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote: Hazel really likes capes. Just a hint. And bugs. Right now, we’re at kidspace, and she’s pretending to be a ladybug and saving the "plants" from grasshoppers.
This morning, before I went to exercise, I told Hazel I’d take her to starbucks. I’d forgotten, but hazel hadn’t!
This is where we ended up On Jun 17, 2014 8:54 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote: Hazel wanted to wear her shirt like this tonight, and wanted to wear a "scarf"
We went to dance downtown tango night last night. Hazel wanted to dance. As we were swaying and twirling to the music and kicking one leg back and forth like the charleston (like she would normally to a swing song), she noticed a lady in
Pictures from our trip to the San Diego wild animal park a few weeks ago. Hazel had a great time. Margot slept a lot. Super neat place. Lot’s of walking. I didn’t take a ton of pictures, my hands were full much of the day.
We are at Kevin’s birthday party, and Hazel is eyeing the cake.
Hazel and I took a walk to Starbucks this morning, so kim could sleep in a little and because we like it. Hazel decided to jump over all the cracks in the sidewalk. Slow trip, but fun to watch
Margot loves the swing we got as a hand me down from Gary and Liesel. We had one, but our music didn’t work and it only took batteries so that one is at Kim’s mom’s house. Margot seems pretty happy. Thanks Gary and Liesel!
I don’t know why we’ve never been to this splash pad. It’s very close to our house, walking distance from Kim’s mom’s house, and free. Hazel had fun, but there were some tears.
I just told Hazel I had to put the dishes away, and she said, with a big grin, "daddy, I’m going to count to three, and you need to come play or lose your privileges" Cheeky monkey
I asked Hazel to look up, but she said, “I’m too, too, too, too busy” She repeats words for emphasis a lot, which I find pretty cute. The other day she was talking about an elephant and I thing she said about 15 “great”s before
Hazel is nearly 3 – just 2.5 months shy of turning 3 – and she is talking up a storm. Her personality is really showing. Margot is 6 weeks and growing fast; she’s this squishy little sweetheart that hates the carseat but still seems a
Hazel is nearly 3 – just 2.5 months shy of turning 3 – and she is talking up a storm. Her personality is really showing. Margot is 6 weeks and growing fast; she’s this squishy little sweetheart that hates the carseat but still seems a
These are adorable! Katy > On May 17, 2014, at 8:07 PM, Geoff Jennings wrote: > > > > > > >
Hazel has been carrying around the dog that my grandma gave her when we were in England when she was 8 months old. She recently gave it a name "coconut tree".