Category: Dailylife

I actually picked 6 nectarines, but two never made it inside.

Chilling on the bed

Margot keeps turning towards the lady doing story time.

Tough start to the day, but now Hazel is singing to Margot

Lots of short, fitful naps today. No long sleeps yet. Drank a little from the bottle, I think, but it wasn’t easy or much. (Kim’s first day back at work)

Guess who has been up at 2 am the last two mornings? Ugh jetlag

Although I could have written it, that last email was actually from hazel. She asked to take a picture of me and send it to grandma "I think grandma would like that. " On Jul 19, 2014 10:31 AM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote: I love

Margot seems to prefer bathing on a bucket over the fancy infant bathtub we have at home.

Hanging with Miss MK, who wrote: She is so precious!

Paige, Thanks for the visit night. It was great to see you. Hazel loves Margot’s book. 🙂 Geoff

We are reading one if Geoff’s old books on people and professions. Hazel loves playing doctor and one of the characters in the book is doctor, and the book shows how she takes patients pulses, looks in their ears, eyes, and throats. She’s taking my

Hazel got a box of lemonade for finding the tortoise at Trader Joe’s. She asked Kim "mommy, do lemons make lemonade?" Kim "yes" Hazel "But I know lemons don’t have hands?!"

On Jul 4, 2014 11:44 AM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote:

They are called that for a reason. :/

First time having taffy for both girls

Used my REI dividend to get Hazel her own stainless steel water bottle. She was very excited

"I want a poached egg smiley face for breakfast"