Category: Dailylife

The things I’m holding are hazel and Margot

Don’t think you can say you’ve been to Canada without a trip to tim hortons

Hazel was really sad not to get picked for the light show when they asked for volunteers, so she was thrilled when she got picked for the illusion show.

Grammy and Ducky spoiling Hazel. Book, puzzle and a stuffed otter that Hazel named seashore. On Sep 29, 2014 2:55 PM, "Kim Luu" <kim> wrote: Aww love the photos. Deborah looks like a pro. On Sep 29, 2014 2:42 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote:

Inside the frog exhibit at the aquarium

"Uh, mud" "I’ve never seen that before!"

Hazel was very excited to use her umbrella today, but struggled with how to hold it. You know you’re a southern California kid when umbrellas are strange and exotic.

Pretending to be a marmot

We walked past a place seeking buns, and Hazel decided she wanted one for lunch.

She likes the cheese making

A dad just told his daughter "whoa, look at the big turtle". Hazel said "excuse me. Excuse ME!" Him "yes?" Hazel "that’s not a turtle. That’s a tortoise" I was proud.

First time with solids. I think she liked it.

Hazel is having a very good time with it tonight

Margot has been fussy all morning. Not her normal self. Nothing seemed to fix it. Milk, diapers, walking around, nothing helped. Almost two hours of near constant fussing and crying. Not her normal self. Then, it happened. Imagine the loudest burp you can imagine a

Having fun building ball slides

Today as we were driving to preschool, Hazel said "daddy, I think it’s going to rain today". I looked around at the absolutely cloudless blue sky, and asked her why she thought that. She said "It is. I know. " with great confidence. I glanced

Hazel got invited to lunch

No pictures from the lesson, only pictures of Hazel’s favorite part.

Much better after the nap. Hazel is pretending to call grandma, and I’m answering in my grandma voice. My grandma voice sOunds like when the Monty python guys would dress up like women. Hazel finds it very amusing On Sep 12, 2014 1:47 PM, "Geoff

Had kind of a rough morning. Hazel was just super cranky, and I suspected tired. getting upset over everything. After an early lunch, I told her she could have "quiet time" or a nap. H: I’m not tired, I don’t want a nap. G: ok,

Playing my little pony and blocks. Hazel made me make a house, but she made the table and chairs

So kim and Hazel could sleep in a bit (540 am)

We were talking to hazel tonight, about the future, and she said H : I want two kids when I grow up Me : Really, why? H : Because I like Margot. More than that would be too many. I don’t want too many kids.

I feel like I use that subject line a lot. I guess that’s a good thing!

She was sitting and batting at the hanging toys with her hand

A painting Hazel did at school today.