Category: Dailylife

Just coloring before dinner. Hazel hold a pencil and crayon surprisingly well thanks to Popo.

We wonder if she is a budding fashionista. At the park and when we are out, she loves pushing mom and dad away so that we don’t walk too close. Then she walks ahead, turns around to wave and grin widely, before turning back around

Dear Hazel, Today is July 2, 2012. This letter has been a long time coming, but you see, with the remodeling and the move, and all the time spent just adoring you, your parents have been too busy documenting for posterity just how much we’ve

Katy, We did some planting too… Geoff [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

Dear Zoe, I really like to dress myself. But its hard. I spent 10 minutes trying to get the tights on. I gave up, and tried to put a tshirt on, but something seemed wrong. My dad keeps trying to help, but I want to

Hazel knows the word swing, but I didn’t recognize it fast enough. Finally did. She is happy now. Sent from my phone. Please forgive typos and brevity. [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

Hazel keeps saying "hat hat hat" and putting my coffee filters on her head [categories Hazel,DailyLife,bestof]

Hazel was feeding the penguin statues and loving it. She got her hand stamped as we left the aquarium, with a turtle. After dinner, she went to sleep in the car, so she had no bath that night. The next day, I was giving her

Hazel is loving her birthday gift. She is spending a lot longer at each exhibit, and doing lots of pointing and exclaiming. She also says fish (ishes) and turtle (turdle) now.

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Dear Zoe, Today my mom and dad took me up the side of a mountain. They had these chairs that went in the air! In spots it was REALLY high, but my Dad said I was brave. He was holding my really, really tight. I

Who knows if it will last, Hazel hasn’t really latched onto any toy for long, but for the last couple days she has been wanting to take the doll great-aunt Cathy gave her everywhere. =) [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

Dear Zoe, Normally when my dad takes me to Starbucks, I get milk or water, but today I got something called "samples". It just tasted like banana bread to me, but it was awesome. Love, Hazel [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

Hazel and I stopped by Starbucks, sat outside watching the rain, when this little dog came and sat beside us. Hazel sat beside him, gently petting him. Reminded me of an old man and his dog sitting on the porch.

In case it’s not clear, she’s sticking her thermometer in the tigers ear. I’d just taken her temperature, and then she wanted to take mine, and a couple of stuffed animals. I didn’t even suggest it. Geoff [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

I let Hazel have a small dollop of sorbet with her fruit, because I feel sorry for her. I’m a sucker. [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

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Hazel has been watching the bees for a solid 20 minutes. it might be the longest I’ve seen her watch anything. [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

Hazel really liked the remote control car [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

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Yesterday, Hazel kept insisting on her wearing her hat. she pats her head, and says "Ha! Ha!" It wasn’t even cold… [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

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Hazel is enjoying the aquarium more than ever. she’s super excited. [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

I told Hazel she could have a treat after the Dr, if she was good. I think she is a fan. [categories Hazel,DailyLife]

this picture is from last month, but I just found it. From the Aquarium. [categories Hazel,DailyLife,BestOf] [tag aquarium]

Dear Zoe, Have you tried canoeing? It’s fun. Love, Hazel [categories Hazel,DailyLife,BestOf] [tag zoe]

loving it. Kauai is really nice. much more rustic feeling than Maui. pretty slow. love it. [categories Hazel,DailyLife] [tag travel,Hawaii]