Hazel loved opening her box. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the t-shirt, dress and carrier. [categories Hazel,DailyLife]
Went to the natural history museum today. Best part for me was when they had a skeleton of a ostrich (to show the similarity to dinosaurs, it was in front of a dinosaur skeleton). I asked Hazel what she thought it was, she thought, and
Here we are lying on the lawn that Geoff made, looking for airplanes and birds. We saw a few hummingbirds, parrots, and a lot of airplanes. Kim
Took her to the grocery store, and this happens about 15 seconds after I take her out of the car. My arm is very tired.
Leslee, I thought you might enjoy this picture of Hazel using the bag you made. Thanks again. I carry an over the shoulder messenger style bag a lot, and one day we were going out and Hazel was patting her shoulder and saying "Bag! Bag!"
She seems out, but last time I tried to move, she woke up…. Thank god for smart phones.
Blowing dandelions at story park. Almost wishing we were members of the church having a picnic, because it looks delicious.
It has been a long, long, long drive home. In my defense, those are apple slices and she is drinking milk.
We’re at the Santa Cruz surf contest, and Hazel keeps saying something that sounds very much like "I’m a taco!". Very excited, and with a big grin. No idea what it means, but it keeps making me laugh.“I’m a taco"
Hazel climbed this structure to the top with no help. She was very, very excited at the top.
Hazel has a posse. She wants them to go with her everywhere, and wants them in bed. She asks for them by name. Minnie, Eek Eek (a dolphin), and one of three human baby dolls that seem pretty interchangeable right now.
She has been carrying this bag of onions all over the store, and gets upset if I take it away.
She is having half a whole wheat bagel for breakfast. She was very particular about what she wore today.
Very excited about the “turdle” sticker’s. There were hundreds of stickers, but I asked Hazel which she wanted, and she picked out turtles.
There is probably no child rearing issue that Kim and I disagree on more often (mild, but frequent) than what to dress Hazel in. Kim -“I think she’s cold.” Me – “she’s fine.” Kim- “I’m putting a sweater on her” Me- “Kim, it’s 68, sunny,
This was taken while hazel was a month or two old, certainly way before she started raiding the snack pantry and asking for "help" with canned goods.