It had been quiet for awhile, so I went and checked on Margot. She was quietly making a mess peeling paper of crayons, one of her favorite hobbies.
Margot just said " me, bed". Then she collected her toys, and went in her room for a nap. Such an easy kid.
Margot woke up at 5 am. Looked bleary eyed, then said "Eat cereal’. I took her to the dining room, but she cried when I turned on the lights. So she sat in the dark and ate Cheerios. After her bowl, she said, "daddy, me,
Tonight I was parallel parking in front of Kim’s moms house, and it was kind of a tight spot. I take pride in my parking ability, but I was tired, and after two or three "points" in what was looking to be a ten+ plus
I actually didn’t get many photos, most of the exhibits were hands on, and since it was just me with the girls (Kim is on a work trip), my hands were pretty full. I’ve been on the JPL campus before with friends, and for meetings,
Margot is napping. Hazel and I are working in the garden and I let her have the first plum from our tree as a reward for hard work.
< p dir=”ltr”>She’s so cute. On Mon, May 30, 2016, 8:56 PM Kim <kimluujennings> wrote: Speaking softly and in her patient voice, "when I’m having quiet time and resting on the couch, you don’t come over ok? Just ten seconds, I’m resting. You don’t just
Speaking softly and in her patient voice, “when I’m having quiet time and resting on the couch, you don’t come over ok? Just ten seconds, I’m resting. You don’t just listen to mommy and daddy, you listen to me too, ok?”
Popo is watering plants including the hydrangeas we gave her for Mother’s Day.
We are getting a couple pints of berries every 2 days, and more monster zucchini than you’d believe.
She said it was a flower in a lighting storm On Thu, May 26, 2016, 9:42 AM <kimluujennings> wrote: I made this painting with Kids Doodle on iPad 🙂 Sent from my iPad
Hazel loved the terrain park, where they build jumps and things for doing tricks. She didn’t really jump, but she wanted to. She kept asking to go off some bigger jumps, but I wouldn’t let her. =)
Hundreds of dollars worth of toys in the house, and Margot has been playing with a box of rocks for a week…. 🙂
Hazel drew a picture of our family. As she draws, she keeps saying "I’m going to do a perfectly, perfectly good job" The bottom squiggles are grass, the mountains are mountains. I asked who the people in the lower right are, and she said "people
Nearly 6 hours for Hazel and I. 4.5ish for logan. Made it back to China Town. At one point we were at Atlantic and the 10 and I strongly considered just riding home. 🙂 Refueling the kids with meat pies from a bakery in China
5 hours for Hazel, with lots of stops. But still impressed Another 45 or so back to car
Hazel just said, and I have no idea where it came from, "When I go to college, I want to stay with you, because I love you. If I went to college by myself I would be lonely and I would miss you. "
This might be the grandkid photo dad would like. Hazel likes to do things with her fingers, like lace them or make different positions, and she always asks if we can do it. I didn’t quite know what to say when she proudly showed me