Last Saturday was my graduation ceremony for my MBA degree. It was a bit bittersweet. I was proud to be done, but sad that my friends would all be going their separate ways. I’ve loved the program, and made friends with some incredible folks. I’d thought about a graduate degree for many years, and it was everything I wanted and more, so I was sad to be over with it, but excited about the future.
My Mom, Lynda, and my Grandma Joan had talked about a trip out west, and when they found out my graduation was happening in that time frame, they were keen to be here for it. I was excited to have them here. I haven’t had many chances to hang out with my Grandma over the years since she lives in England. And I never get to spend enough time with my Mom. We had a great few days. They arrived Wednesday, and we just hung out at the house, and I made Shish-kabobs on my new grill. Then we went and walked around old Sacramento. Thurs they went to Napa Valley and San Francisco. Kim and I got up early Friday, and took the train in to meet them there. We had a great day Friday playing tourist, then back to Sacramento Friday night.
The BIG day– Saturday was graduation. I rose early and got dressed and headed to the Mondavi center. There were a few tears, but mostly smiles, laughter and jokes as we prepared for the ceremony. The ceremony was nice, my friend Brian gave a really good speech. It was mostly a blur to me, I had a hard time not just looking around at all my classmates. Everyone looked so happy and proud. I was proud of them, of us. It was great. Then we received our hoods, with each person having someone special to them place the hood over their head. Some had their small children in their arms, others had spouses, many had their parents do the honors. I was very pleased to have my wonderful and supportive wife Kim, my Mom, and my Grandma all on stage with me, to present me with my masters hood. After the ceremony, there was a reception, tons of photos, then it was back to the house for a nap and later an open house to celebrate.
To all my classmates: Congratulations. You guys rock. I’ll miss you. Stay in touch.
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