For the last two years, I’ve been a full time student at UC Davis, working on an MBA degree. I’ve learned a ton, and really felt like it was worthwhile.
I’ve also been blessed to be surrounded by some of the coolest people I’ve ever had the privilege to associate with. Smart, funny, and generous folks. After next Saturday, people will be moving on, taking jobs all over the place. They’ll be leaders in their fields, and I can’t wait to hear where they all land, and the differences they’ll make. It’s been great. I’m going to miss everyone.
This last weekend, we had dis-orientation. Two years ago, we formed friendships during the school orientation, and this weekend celebrated those friendships with a big get together. Andrea was a hero, she put together a great weekend. Thanks Dre. Not everyone from my graduating class could make it, but everyone who was there had a great time.
We had nice condos in South Lake Tahoe. Friday night there was a dinner, followed with hanging out and poker for a few. Saturday people woke up, hung out. Some of us went hiking, other to the beach, a few to the casinos. Apparently a few went drinking. We all (ok, mostly all. Joe we missed you.) met up in the afternoon for a super fun lake cruise on the the Tahoe Queen. Drinks, Dinner and Dancing. It was a great time. Nothing fancy, nothing too crazy, just a bunch of cool people having a good time.
I didn’t want the weekend to end, but Sunday found people packing up and heading home. It was a great time. Thanks again to everyone who was there.
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