Category: Random cuteness

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I told Hazel she could pick something from the $1 toys, mostly because I feel bad she has been sick. She picked the monkey hat.

Dear Grandma, Daddy told me you used to collect elephants. I got a watering can the other day shaped like one. I love it. It’s even going out today with me, instead of Minnie,Reggie or Flamingo. Watering plants is fun, though daddy said something about

As we got into the car, Hazel was a little upset. She looked at Kim and said, “Mommy sit” and pointed to the seat next to her car seat. Kim agreed. Then Hazel said, “Daddy sit” and pointed to the other seat in the back

Hazel was feeding the penguin statues and loving it. She got her hand stamped as we left the aquarium, with a turtle. After dinner, she went to sleep in the car, so she had no bath that night. The next day, I was giving her

Hazel now does quite a bit of pretend play. She’ll pretend to eat and drink food that isn’t there or “pick” berries off the picture in a grocery store flyer and feed them to us. Here, Kim suggested she close her eyes and pretend to

[tentblogger-vimeo 56390908] Kim received a silly birthday card from a co-worker, that plays music when you open it. She loves it, and dances happily when it plays. When it stops, she signs for more.

[tentblogger-vimeo 53062183] Hazel has started doing animal impressions. Apparently we have scary cats around here.

Hazel got this playhouse, and it’s been a consistent favorite.

Hazel got an awesome swing as a gift from my parents, and loves it.

I’ve been back at work, and it’s been tough. Kim has made it a bit easier by sending me lots of updates. She sends me pictures from time to time, which makes me smile every time, and I really appreciate it. I still miss the

We were just chilling on the floor, having a good time. She was awake, and had the hiccups (again!) and was being pretty vocal, but not screaming, so I decided to catch a minute or two….It went on much longer…   If you don’t see

Is when my baby sleeps on my chest. She loves it, and it just feels right. And I don’t mean “one of my favorite things about parenting”. I mean “one of my favorite things”. Period.

  Oh Hazel! My little truffle pig. I’ve wanted a baby for so long and now I have one and you’re even better than I imagined… From Geoff to Hazel. Made my heart melt.

  [nggallery id=4]It’s hard to believe she’s 15 days old already. Wow. Much of the last two weeks has been spent changing diapers and feeding, but sometimes, in between, we just chill. She’s opening her eyes more, and will sometimes just stare. It’s cute. She’s

Tonight, she had some hiccups. It’s the kind of thing that probably only parents and grandparents would find as entertaining as we did, but we loved it. It was also some of the longest views of her eyes we’ve had. Right now, they are a