Category: BestOf

She’s very excited about it. Sorry for the cruddy lighting.

Margot Invented her own joke. Apparently she has my sense of humor.

Hazel loved the terrain park, where they build jumps and things for doing tricks. She didn’t really jump, but she wanted to. She kept asking to go off some bigger jumps, but I wouldn’t let her. =)

[tentblogger-vimeo 109893611]

This might be the grandkid photo dad would like. Hazel likes to do things with her fingers, like lace them or make different positions, and she always asks if we can do it. I didn’t quite know what to say when she proudly showed me

The things I’m holding are hazel and Margot

Don’t think you can say you’ve been to Canada without a trip to tim hortons

Hazel was really sad not to get picked for the light show when they asked for volunteers, so she was thrilled when she got picked for the illusion show.

Grammy and Ducky spoiling Hazel. Book, puzzle and a stuffed otter that Hazel named seashore. On Sep 29, 2014 2:55 PM, "Kim Luu" <kim> wrote: Aww love the photos. Deborah looks like a pro. On Sep 29, 2014 2:42 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote:

[tentblogger-vimeo 98850124]

[tentblogger-vimeo 98850122]

Pictures from our trip to the San Diego wild animal park a few weeks ago. Hazel had a great time. Margot slept a lot. Super neat place. Lot’s of walking. I didn’t take a ton of pictures, my hands were full much of the day.

I asked Hazel to look up, but she said, “I’m too, too, too, too busy” She repeats words for emphasis a lot, which I find pretty cute. The other day she was talking about an elephant and I thing she said about 15 “great”s before

Last night Hazel threw an epic tantrum. Like a half hour of screaming. I tried everything. Ignoring. Sympathizing. When she hit me, I took away a toy. Then I said, “ok, Hazel, only good girls get to go Starbucks. If you keep yelling, I’m taking

In the hospital, they were closely monitoring Margot, since she had some jaundice. Less severe than Hazel, so she never had the photo-therapy that Hazel did, but enough to keep an eye on. We got sent home Saturday afternoon, and by Sunday lunchtime I was

Forgot the photos. 949-246-7605 On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Geoff Jennings <g> wrote: On Easter.

We picked some of our cauliflower the other day. I forget the name of the variety, but it has a cool purple hue to it. I was taking pictures of it inside, and Hazel asked to be in the picture. While we were taking pictures,

I thought I’d take a photo. Doh. I swear, she was still on when I clicked the shutter.

I told Hazel she could have whatever she wanted for her birthday. She chose sushi.

Had an awesome day on the boat yesterday. Went to Long Beach Harbor Great place to sail. Lot’s of open space, but protected by a breakwater so no big swells. Lot’s of bird, saw sea lions on the boueys. Fun. We had enough wind most

  Kim’s mom was at a retreat at her temple, and fell, injuring her back. It’s minor enough she was sent home today, but she is in significant pain and it will take some time to heal (broken bone). Kim went and picked her up

We went to a dinner at Typhoon with some friends. It’s a Thai place in Santa Monica that is famous/infamous because many of their dishes include insects. It didn’t phase Hazel even a little. [tentblogger-vimeo 64569926]

Hazel climbed this structure to the top with no help. She was very, very excited at the top.

She has been carrying this bag of onions all over the store, and gets upset if I take it away.

Very excited about the “turdle” sticker’s. There were hundreds of stickers, but I asked Hazel which she wanted, and she picked out turtles.  

I love storytime with Daddy. So do Dolly and Eek Eek. Hazel

This was taken while hazel was a month or two old, certainly way before she started raiding the snack pantry and asking for "help" with canned goods.

Dear Hazel, Today is July 2, 2012. This letter has been a long time coming, but you see, with the remodeling and the move, and all the time spent just adoring you, your parents have been too busy documenting for posterity just how much we’ve

[tentblogger-vimeo 59634524]

[tentblogger-vimeo 56390908] Kim received a silly birthday card from a co-worker, that plays music when you open it. She loves it, and dances happily when it plays. When it stops, she signs for more.

We had a great time for Halloween 2012. Went to the Pumpkin Festival. Went trick-or-treating. It was great.      

[tentblogger-vimeo 53062183] Hazel has started doing animal impressions. Apparently we have scary cats around here.