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Well, Hazel’s eczema is getting worse and worse. Sad that one of the words she already knows and uses is "Itchy". Creams and such seem to help a very limited amount, but certainly haven’t fixed the problem.

Since there is a link between Celiac and Eczema (and other skin conditions), and many non-celiac eczema patients report doing well on a gluten-free diet, we’re going to try a trial and see if it helps. Today is day 1 and this picture is to record an objective start. We’ll see.

One Response

  1. Vaseline is probably the best agent. Soak the affected body part for 10-15 minutes. Then put the ointment/cream on before towelling her dry.

    But you’re right, they only help with symptoms, not the cause. Let her play in the dirt more. It’s OK to eat dirt.

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Hazel had a poetry assignment for school. They had to create a book with a certain number of different styles of poems, including haikus, cinquain, diamante, ballads, ode, and elegy.

We took a trip to Hong Kong, while Margot was just weeks old. It was pretty chill, mostly just eating out and markets, but we did visit the red pandas and do a hike on Lamma Island.

#9 and #10/52 new recipes for 2025 i make tacos pretty frequently, but these were significantly different recipes. Both were delicious. #9/52 Mango Jalapeno Carnitas #10/52 Orange marinade smoked tritip. the tri tip was not quite as tender as I would have liked, but still

We did Tuesday tacos, and Margot was playing with my phone while we waited. She said she was trying to look mysterious.

If anyone eats gluten free or cooks for someone that does, highly recommend two things: 1) Get yourself the pictured cookbook. The recipes aren’t simple, they involve a lot of mixing your own flour blends, but they have all been fantastic. 2) Get yourself a

3/8/2025 – Win 2-1 3/2/2025 – Win 4-0

So cute On Mon, Jul 13, 2015, 09:50 Kim <kimluujennings> wrote: Hazel was inspired by a Sid the Science kid cartoon and decided she wanted to "hunt for dirt and investigate what’s in dirt." Hazel’s backpack contained a notebook, pen, and magnifying glass. Margot was

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Piper. Her teacher sent her to Adventureville, where there were a lot of adventures, to study friendship. At that point, she didn’t really care for friendship. Her pet cat told her just try it. So she