Well, it was an eventful five weeks. If you didn’t see the posts, click the Guatemala “tag” at the end of this post, and read some of the earlier stories. It didn’t go so smooth. But it ended on a very nice week. I (Geoff) ended up resting and taking Spanish classes in Antigua, and was quite pleased by what I could learn in a very limited time. The last few days of my school week were really fun. It was a festival in Antigua, which provided parades, street food, concerts and more. I even went to a football (soccer) match, which was really fun.
After Kim showed up, we spent a day and half exploring the very nice town of Antigua, then took a long night bus to Tikal, in Northern Guatemala. It’s an impressive Mayan ruin, and we enjoyed exploring it. There were howler monkeys and spider monkeys, which was cool. It was also crazy hot, silly humid, and the mosquitoes were thick.
So we went to Belize. It wasn’t really part of the plan, but we realized we were close, and it just was too tempting. We ended up staying 3 nights. We stayed on Caye Caulker, a tiny island off the coast, near the world’s second longest barrier reef. You can ride a bike the length of the island in 10 minutes. We had a rustic but nice cabin, right on the beach. Pretty sweet.We hung out, swam, and snorkelled on the reefs. Lots. It was awesome. I really enjoyed it.
After we left Belize, it was another long trip back to Guatemala. We had some time in Flores, then back to Antigua. We did some shopping, Guatemala has some nice stuff for cheap, I got myself a leather case for my computer that I like a lot. Then we rode horses up an active Volcano. An roasted marshmallows over lava.
Kim is really roasting marshmallows. The heat was pretty intense.