Friday night we had Kim’s mom, aunt and Grandma over for dinner, which meant another insanely late night drive…leaving our our house around 11:30 and with some mandatory roadside naps, we pulled into Jil and Jeff’s sweet mountain cabin right around 8:45 a.m. loaded Jeff’s truck, headed to the river and put in.
The MF American has miles of class II-III, a couple of class IVs, one Class V, and a class VI. kim rode the raft with Jeff, Jil, and Taylor, I paddled my kayak. It was fun paddling, pretty camping, and a fun group. Seriously good times.
I did have an ugly run on Tunnel Shoot. I need to paddle more. Smashed up my hands pretty good on the shallow rocks….Doh. I don’t recommend flipping in there.
Thanks to Jeff for being a solid guide, and getting Kim down river safely! Thanks to all for being such good company on the river.
hope you guys didn’t eat that fishy! thanks, coal industry!
Mercury Contaminates All Fish Tested in River Study, U.S. Says