Category: Stories

Hazel just said, and I have no idea where it came from, "When I go to college, I want to stay with you, because I love you. If I went to college by myself I would be lonely and I would miss you. "

This might be the grandkid photo dad would like. Hazel likes to do things with her fingers, like lace them or make different positions, and she always asks if we can do it. I didn’t quite know what to say when she proudly showed me

The things I’m holding are hazel and Margot

Don’t think you can say you’ve been to Canada without a trip to tim hortons

Hazel was really sad not to get picked for the light show when they asked for volunteers, so she was thrilled when she got picked for the illusion show.

Grammy and Ducky spoiling Hazel. Book, puzzle and a stuffed otter that Hazel named seashore. On Sep 29, 2014 2:55 PM, "Kim Luu" <kim> wrote: Aww love the photos. Deborah looks like a pro. On Sep 29, 2014 2:42 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote:

I asked Hazel to look up, but she said, “I’m too, too, too, too busy” She repeats words for emphasis a lot, which I find pretty cute. The other day she was talking about an elephant and I thing she said about 15 “great”s before

Last night Hazel threw an epic tantrum. Like a half hour of screaming. I tried everything. Ignoring. Sympathizing. When she hit me, I took away a toy. Then I said, “ok, Hazel, only good girls get to go Starbucks. If you keep yelling, I’m taking

In the hospital, they were closely monitoring Margot, since she had some jaundice. Less severe than Hazel, so she never had the photo-therapy that Hazel did, but enough to keep an eye on. We got sent home Saturday afternoon, and by Sunday lunchtime I was

We haven’t had an evening at home since last Tuesday, and Hazel is missing it. She’s started saying “I wish” lately, which alternates between cute abd heartbreaking. “I wish I had a BIG playground at our house” is cute. “I wish I could go to

I had medicine hazel needed to take, and she was fighting it badly. Trying to push me away, clenching her mouth, etc. I tried everything, and it was not going well. Just over it, I guess. Then- Me: hazel, did you like going to the

It’s really funny how Hazel really likes routines. She used to ask for Daddy to help her get to bed, but as of the last few months, she’s asked for Mommy and the patterns are pretty clear. Here bedtime routine is this: One story for

I just asked Hazel what she wanted to get Kim for her birthday. She looked serious, and said "A reindeer" Me- "really? A real one?" Hazel started laughing, "nooooo. I’m just being silly. I’m joking around." So fun to watch her personality develop.

Hazel is two, and the emotions are wild. Today, we dropped Kim at the train station, and as we drove off, Hazel started sobbing. I asked her what was wrong, and she said "I forgot to tell mommy ‘have fun at work’". Big, heaving sobs.

Today, we were driving and Hazel asked for three nuts. So I gave her three. A moment later, she says "you gave Hazel 3 nuts, but I dropped one so now I have two. " If she recounted the nuts, she did it silently. Normally

Hazel just asked me, with great thought, did this bagel come from the bagel tree?

Hazel just said, “when hazel finishes going potty, I will eat a raisin bagel

  The other night, Geoff had to run an errand and I had to do the night time routine of teeth brushing, pajamas, hard working cream, and storytime. While we were getting into pajamas, Hazel crawls onto her toddler bed and lies down to say,

Hazel has really, really advanced language skills. I really need to record more of it. Everywhere we go, strangers comment on it. At just under 2 years old, she is forming long, complex sentences, I’ve counted as many as ten words. She uses adjectives correctly,

Today, Hazel tried to "poop" on her potty in the middle of bathtime. We like to call her the little girl that cried ‘poop’ because she seems to just like a break to playing in the water and asks to go poop every few minutes

  Kim’s mom was at a retreat at her temple, and fell, injuring her back. It’s minor enough she was sent home today, but she is in significant pain and it will take some time to heal (broken bone). Kim went and picked her up

Dear Grandma, Daddy told me you used to collect elephants. I got a watering can the other day shaped like one. I love it. It’s even going out today with me, instead of Minnie,Reggie or Flamingo. Watering plants is fun, though daddy said something about

Hazel found her crayons in her bag, and wanted paper. Me – oh, sorry hazel, I don’t have any paper, but maybe we can go somewhere quiet and sit and color. Hazel – no, NO, NO QUIET

As we got into the car, Hazel was a little upset. She looked at Kim and said, “Mommy sit” and pointed to the seat next to her car seat. Kim agreed. Then Hazel said, “Daddy sit” and pointed to the other seat in the back

There is probably no child rearing issue that Kim and I disagree on more often (mild, but frequent) than what to dress Hazel in. Kim -“I think she’s cold.” Me – “she’s fine.” Kim- “I’m putting a sweater on her” Me- “Kim, it’s 68, sunny,

This was taken while hazel was a month or two old, certainly way before she started raiding the snack pantry and asking for "help" with canned goods.

Dear Hazel, Today is July 2, 2012. This letter has been a long time coming, but you see, with the remodeling and the move, and all the time spent just adoring you, your parents have been too busy documenting for posterity just how much we’ve

Dear Mom, That was a rough night for me. I’m sorry. Hope you aren’t too tired at work today. Dad let me watch videos on youtube at 2:30 am. Sooo fun. He never lets me do that. He said something about "wits end", what does

It is Thanksgiving Day. My infant daughter, my mom, and I stand gathered around my grandma in her wheelchair to take a photograph that winds through four generations. My mom holds my baby in her arms, while my arms rest by my grandma. The flash

At the risk of jinxing this new routine, I have to say that in the last few weeks Hazel has started to sleep from around 9 pm to 1 to 3 am. This is a nice long stretch, and the longest stretch of the day.

Hazel is a little over 6 weeks old (6 weeks and 2 days, actually) and we are amazed how much she changes each day and definitely each week. Last week or the week before, we noticed that she started to be able to track people

I’ve been back at work, and it’s been tough. Kim has made it a bit easier by sending me lots of updates. She sends me pictures from time to time, which makes me smile every time, and I really appreciate it. I still miss the

In Chinese culture, one of the important celebrations is a 30 Day celebration. This is probably a cultural relic from the times when a lot of infants didn’t survive that long, so a new birth wasn’t celebrated until the 30 day mark. It’s typically food

It was a tough decision coming up with a name. We both had some desires, some things that we wanted included. I wanted to honor my Grandpa. Although I love and hold dear all my grandparents, my paternal step-grandfather was always particularly special to me.

Kim – We had all of nine months to prepare, and though we were nearly completely ready, we still hadn’t done the essential preparations like car seat installations, finishing packing the hospital bag, and selecting a pediatrician. However, on August 11, after my OB nicked