Category: Parenting

Hazel just said, and I have no idea where it came from, "When I go to college, I want to stay with you, because I love you. If I went to college by myself I would be lonely and I would miss you. "

This might be the grandkid photo dad would like. Hazel likes to do things with her fingers, like lace them or make different positions, and she always asks if we can do it. I didn’t quite know what to say when she proudly showed me

The things I’m holding are hazel and Margot

Don’t think you can say you’ve been to Canada without a trip to tim hortons

Hazel was really sad not to get picked for the light show when they asked for volunteers, so she was thrilled when she got picked for the illusion show.

Grammy and Ducky spoiling Hazel. Book, puzzle and a stuffed otter that Hazel named seashore. On Sep 29, 2014 2:55 PM, "Kim Luu" <kim> wrote: Aww love the photos. Deborah looks like a pro. On Sep 29, 2014 2:42 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote:

I asked Hazel to look up, but she said, “I’m too, too, too, too busy” She repeats words for emphasis a lot, which I find pretty cute. The other day she was talking about an elephant and I thing she said about 15 “great”s before

Last night Hazel threw an epic tantrum. Like a half hour of screaming. I tried everything. Ignoring. Sympathizing. When she hit me, I took away a toy. Then I said, “ok, Hazel, only good girls get to go Starbucks. If you keep yelling, I’m taking

Update: Well, it’s been a little over two weeks. We had a setback when we were in San Francisco. We didn’t have her regular cream, so I used the hotel lotion. Apparently, perfumes and such can make eczema worse, and this stuff made it really

Hazel was feeding the penguin statues and loving it. She got her hand stamped as we left the aquarium, with a turtle. After dinner, she went to sleep in the car, so she had no bath that night. The next day, I was giving her

At the risk of jinxing this new routine, I have to say that in the last few weeks Hazel has started to sleep from around 9 pm to 1 to 3 am. This is a nice long stretch, and the longest stretch of the day.

Is when my baby sleeps on my chest. She loves it, and it just feels right. And I don’t mean “one of my favorite things about parenting”. I mean “one of my favorite things”. Period.

  Oh Hazel! My little truffle pig. I’ve wanted a baby for so long and now I have one and you’re even better than I imagined… From Geoff to Hazel. Made my heart melt.

It was a tough decision coming up with a name. We both had some desires, some things that we wanted included. I wanted to honor my Grandpa. Although I love and hold dear all my grandparents, my paternal step-grandfather was always particularly special to me.