Rappelling, Jumping, swimming and hiking My college friend Jayson Owens was in town for a work trip, and we were planning on hanging out. We’ve only seen each other once in the last 20-ish years, but got along like it was yesterday. Chris Jain had
Had a great time today with my sister Katy, visiting from Texas. We went kayaking, checked out the sea lions. Stopped and played on a beach. Followed with delicious burgers. My sister was vegetarian for almost her whole life, so I’m still getting used to
“It’s more conceivable that I could measure out all the oceans on the earth, a broken teacup at a time, then grasp the amount of love I feel for my” little girls. My friend David wrote this about someone in his life, and I’ve re-read
We had our first sail on our impulse buy at a garage sale sail boat today. It was also Hazel’s first time sailing ever, and mine in quite a few years. I learned to sail in elementary school, and sailed regularly with my family until