Seems a little dressy for a quick trip to the store…
Dear Grandma, Daddy told me you used to collect elephants. I got a watering can the other day shaped like one. I love it. It’s even going out today with me, instead of Minnie,Reggie or Flamingo. Watering plants is fun, though daddy said something about
And helping Kim in the yard On Jun 17, 2013 6:16 PM, "Geoff Jennings" <g> wrote: Hazel is helping shred and wash kale for dinner
Update: Well, it’s been a little over two weeks. We had a setback when we were in San Francisco. We didn’t have her regular cream, so I used the hotel lotion. Apparently, perfumes and such can make eczema worse, and this stuff made it really
Kim wasn’t crazy about the hat Hazel picked out, but we’ve been getting a lot of compliments on it.
She did brush the goats, but only when I was holding her other hand, so no pictures of that….
Hazel found her crayons in her bag, and wanted paper. Me – oh, sorry hazel, I don’t have any paper, but maybe we can go somewhere quiet and sit and color. Hazel – no, NO, NO QUIET
> Hazel and I are at the bookstore, and she saw this book, grabbed it off the shelf, and handed it to me and said "four little ducks". > > Counting?
Well, Hazel’s eczema is getting worse and worse. Sad that one of the words she already knows and uses is "Itchy". Creams and such seem to help a very limited amount, but certainly haven’t fixed the problem. Since there is a link between Celiac and
Hazel is talking a lot these days. Her vocabulary seems to grow by the minute, and I’m amazed at some of the things she remembers. Some things she’s been saying: Help you – Actually, means help me, but we’re still working on pro-nouns. Other foot/shoe/etc
She’s not named yet. We forgot champagne. I’ve had some work to do, a bit on the boat, more on the trailer (pretty much ended up rebuilding it). Still feel like we got a heck of a deal. Then we got busy, and a few
As we got into the car, Hazel was a little upset. She looked at Kim and said, “Mommy sit” and pointed to the seat next to her car seat. Kim agreed. Then Hazel said, “Daddy sit” and pointed to the other seat in the back
We went to a dinner at Typhoon with some friends. It’s a Thai place in Santa Monica that is famous/infamous because many of their dishes include insects. It didn’t phase Hazel even a little. [tentblogger-vimeo 64569926]
Hazel just said "hazel like hummus". She is using more and more words, and forming simple sentences. Her vocabulary seems to double every week. I rode the bike to the zoo today, with Hazel in the trailer.
Here we are lying on the lawn that Geoff made, looking for airplanes and birds. We saw a few hummingbirds, parrots, and a lot of airplanes. Kim
Took her to the grocery store, and this happens about 15 seconds after I take her out of the car. My arm is very tired.
She seems out, but last time I tried to move, she woke up…. Thank god for smart phones.
Blowing dandelions at story park. Almost wishing we were members of the church having a picnic, because it looks delicious.
It has been a long, long, long drive home. In my defense, those are apple slices and she is drinking milk.