First was from lunch downtown with Kim, then with her firetruck, making dinner, the spread, and then desert. (layered coconut pudding with mango pudding)
Hazel just finished putting together a 50 piece puzzle. Kim helped her, by handing her the next logical piece and sometimes helping her look for colors/patterns that match, but Hazel puts every piece in place. This was her biggest puzzle completed to date.
Hazel is so into get new library book, she won’t put it down to walk to the car, she takes two steps, then stops to look at the book.
" Dear Grandma, Daddy told me you used to collect elephants. I got a watering can the other day shaped like one. I love it. It’s even going out today with me, instead of Minnie,Reggie or Flamingo. Watering plants is fun, though daddy said something
Our local Costco built a new big room for dairy and eggs. It has fans that blow across the opening, and there is probably a 30° ( or more) difference in temperature across the opening. Hazel loved it. She’d stand outside, then run into the
Had an awesome day on the boat yesterday. Went to Long Beach Harbor Great place to sail. Lot’s of open space, but protected by a breakwater so no big swells. Lot’s of bird, saw sea lions on the boueys. Fun. We had enough wind most
I keep thinking she’s asleep, but Eden I try to leave, she cries "daddy, daddy, lie down"
Hazel has really, really advanced language skills. I really need to record more of it. Everywhere we go, strangers comment on it. At just under 2 years old, she is forming long, complex sentences, I’ve counted as many as ten words. She uses adjectives correctly,
I told Hazel she could pick something from the $1 toys, mostly because I feel bad she has been sick. She picked the monkey hat.
As I was getting her ready for quiet time, hazel said "I want wear mommy’s shirt" and pointed at this one.
Hazel is playing at grandma’s house. She loves the play fruit. She keeps "cutting" it and putting pieces in the bin, when she does, she says "for the worm compost"
Nathan, Thanks for being such a good big cousin for Hazel and holding her hand and watching out for her when she was scared. Uncle Geoff
Today, Hazel tried to "poop" on her potty in the middle of bathtime. We like to call her the little girl that cried ‘poop’ because she seems to just like a break to playing in the water and asks to go poop every few minutes
For the past month or so, Hazel’s bedtime routine has been a bath, brushing her teeth, followed by “hard working” (eczema cream), and then a few books. After a few books, we ask Hazel who she’d like to pat her bum to go to sleep.
Kim’s mom was at a retreat at her temple, and fell, injuring her back. It’s minor enough she was sent home today, but she is in significant pain and it will take some time to heal (broken bone). Kim went and picked her up
It’s supposed to get hot this week, so I thought we’d go the zoo on the last cool day. I asked Hazel what she wanted to do, and she was very specific. “gorilla, then goat". I asked "anything else?" She said "special treat?"
24 pieces. I handed her the pieces one by one, abd there was some verbal coaching, but she put every piece in place herself. She was super excited.