Category: Hazel

We found a bunch of sand dollars when we were kayaking the other day. Made me think of my Grandpa. He used to collect them, and make clocks from them.

There are also jeggings under there.

This is one of those memory games, where you are supposed to find the matches while cards are upside down, which is a bit much for Hazel. But she is having a great time just digging through the pile. She yells "matching!" when she finds

And hazel insisted on posing like the man.

This is one of those memory games, where you are supposed to find the matches while cards are upside down, which is a bit much for Hazel. But she is having a great time just digging through the pile. She yells "matching!" when she finds

This was the first year Hazel picked her own Halloween costume.

Hazel wants the big kid swings now.

Kim is working from home this morning, due to a meeting. Hazel insisted on getting her computer and working with mommy.

Bought some racetrack for $2 at a garage sale. Money well spent, Hazel has been having a blast with it for a long time.

We took Hazel to boiling crab tonight, a popular casual seafood place right around the corner from our house. She seemed to like it, especially the corn on the cob. Towards the end of our dinner, they brought out a cake for a nearby table,

Making a spider with mommy

Hazel said "I want to pay…"

Hazel and I made a tinker toy elephant with the set grandma sent.

…is to play ‘secret house’ with her blankets behind the sofa cushions. Thank you again for her lovely quilted blankets, Mom. Kim

…is to play ‘secret house’ with her blankets behind the sofa cushions. Thank you again for her lovely quilted blankets, Mom. Kim

With a big spider. Hazel kept saying "helloooooo spider!"

The penguins at the aquarium are awesome! Kim

Hazel insisted on the big kid swings today. She was trying to copy the other kids and pump her legs.

The penguins at the aquarium are awesome! Kim

Hazel is getting pretty good with them, tonight she was eating noodle soup.

Hazel has learned to climb the slide.

Hazel has been walking and running all day today. Very little being carried. She just looked at me, pointed at the curb, and said "daddy, I’m tired, I’m going to sit down and take a little break. " Then she sat down with a big