Adventure playground

Took the afternoon off today, leaving the store in the capable hands of staff. The goal was to visit the Adventure Playground in Orange county with Hazel and Margot. I’d seen several people post pictures of water, rafts, building, mud slides, etc etc.

Turns out there are TWO Adventure Playgrounds in OC, and I went to the wrong one. As we approached, I realized we were very near the home of Donovan and Kristin, so I sent them a quick message and turns out they were free and up for hanging out. Despite not being the intended park, the park was still really nice and we had a great time.

Kristin had a class, so Donovan and I took the kids to Ruby’s. Kids eat free on Tuesday, and gluten free buns for their burgers…. I was happy.

Shortly before she fell asleep in the car on the way home, Hazel asked who was working at the store. I said Ollin had earlier and Natalie was then. She said " tell them thank you because I had fun hanging out with you".

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