The color in this picture makes her look a little like an oompa loompa. =)
On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Kim Luu <kim> wrote:
The color in this picture makes her look a little like an oompa loompa. =)
On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 8:15 PM, Kim Luu <kim> wrote:
Hazel had a poetry assignment for school. They had to create a book with a certain number of different styles of poems, including haikus, cinquain, diamante, ballads, ode, and elegy.
We did Tuesday tacos, and Margot was playing with my phone while we waited. She said she was trying to look mysterious.
If anyone eats gluten free or cooks for someone that does, highly recommend two things: 1) Get yourself the pictured cookbook. The recipes aren’t simple, they involve a lot of mixing your own flour blends, but they have all been fantastic. 2) Get yourself a
It had been quiet for awhile, so I went and checked on Margot. She was quietly making a mess peeling paper of crayons, one of her favorite hobbies.
Margot just said " me, bed". Then she collected her toys, and went in her room for a nap. Such an easy kid.