Last night Hazel threw an epic tantrum. Like a half hour of screaming. I tried everything. Ignoring. Sympathizing. When she hit me, I took away a toy.
Then I said, “ok, Hazel, only good girls get to go Starbucks. If you keep yelling, I’m taking away your Starbucks privileges. I’m going to count to 3, one…two…”
Hazel, with big heaving breaths “wait. Wait does pri-ledge mean?”
Me “privileges are something you get to do because you behave. Going to the zoo is a privilege you earn. Going to Starbucks is a privilege. If you don’t behave, I can take away a privilege”
Hazel, starting to calm down, “but I don’t want to lose my starbucks priv-ledge”
Me “then stop yelling. Tell me calmly why you are upset, an we’ll see what we can do….”
Hazel “then I can still go to Starbucks? “
Me “yes”…. then all was well