We got home this afternoon. Kim is still feeling a little beat up and sore, but we’re all glad to be here. Hazel is loving Margot, and wants to be involved with everything. We had a little fuss at bedtime when Hazel’s routine was altered in a tiny way. She likes routine, so starting a few weeks we’d tried to switch the routines to being mostly me, other than story time, where Kim and I each read a book. We figured that would be easiest is Kim needed to nurse or whatever.
We failed to completely anticipate one tiny detail (who brought Hazel her water) and it led to a bit of tantrum, but Hazel had also had a long day and no nap, so I’m sure than contributed. Other than that, the switch from 3 to 4 has gone swimmingly and Hazel is a very proud JieJie (big sister).