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50¢ is a small price to pay to get a solid minute of her million dollar smile on a day like today.



I wish it was just that. Margot is actually super mellow. Still early to tell if it’s personality, or a side effect of her low level jaundice, which can cause sleepiness.

It’s been a little bit of a bumpy few days, nothing super serious, but combined I’m just feeling a little beat. I didn’t get much sleep in the hospital, and I was running back and forth trying to make sure Hazel didn’t feel forgotten at Yen’s house. Margot was born with a blood type compatibility issue with Kim (same as Hazel) and had jaundice, though at a lower level and didn’t need the treatment. (beyond just pushing fluids. ) We got out of the hospital Saturday afternoon, late.

Saturday Pm and Sunday AM were super busy, and Hazel didn’t sleep well. So by Sunday PM, I was feeling a whipped. I got back from taking Hazel to an egg hunt Sunday early afternoon and was kind of worried about how Margot looked. She was lethargic, and looked a lot more yellow. She wasn’t nursing After watching her for a bit, we were convinced her bilirubin levels were elevated. Talked to the on call pediatrician and he suggested we take her to the ER to be checked. Yen watched Hazel, and Kim and I went. It took a long time, but was actually kind of nice in a way. I got to have Margot sleeping on me quietly for a long time. anyway, we were correct that she had elevated levels, but she still didn’t need light therapy. By the time we left the ER Yen was already putting Hazel to bed, and since we didn’t know if we’d have to go back to the hospital, we decided to leave Hazel at Yen’s. Luckily she started nursing better and improved a lot over sunday night. I stayed up late Sunday cleaning up.

Monday wasn’t bad, but just a lot of running around and trying to get a few things done (I had a DR. appt, unpacking from the hospital etc.) I was already saying to Kim that I felt like I hadn’t had nearly the chill, relaxed bonding time that I did with Hazel her first couple weeks, I felt like I’d barely held her.

I noticed Hazel was coughing a little Sunday and Monday, but she’s had some allergies and it wasn’t bad, so I didn’t think much about it. Monday afternoon Hazel asked to tricycle, and we needed milk and a few other things. Margot and Kim were resting, so Hazel and I went to the Ralphs nearby. Ended up with a HUGE tantrum. One of the worst. I ended up carrying Hazel, a tricycle, and four bags of groceries back from the store. Ugh.

As the evening progressed, Hazel’s cough got worse and worse, and overnight it was pretty bad. Just an ugly, hoarse cough with a wet element. Neither of us slept well. Me barely at all. I took her to the sick baby time this morning at her pediatrician, and she basically said she wasn’t worried about Hazel, but she might take 4-8 days to get over it, and we should isolate Margot as much as possible. She said if Margot caught it, it could be serious (like hospital stays and spinal IV’s serious). She was suggesting quarantining her to a room, and said I’d need to shower and change clothes every time I went from holding Hazel to holding Margot. I figured it would be less risky and easier on Kim if she went to her mom’s, so she and Margot are there now.

Got home from taking Hazel in, and pretty much showered and turned around to take Margot into the pediatrician for a checkup. Jaundice is getting better, but she has thrush in her mouth. We tried to get her prescription filled, and they wouldn’t take the insurance. We fought with them for awhile, but in the end just paid the cash price. Hopefully we’ll get reimbursed. Not a huge deal, but just added to the stress. Dropped Kim back at her Mom’s and I had an OK couple of hours with Hazel. She was ina good mood and not coughing too much, so we ran a couple errands. Including this photo outside the dollar store where we went to get some birdfood for the feeder she made at home depot recently.

so, for now, Yen is helping take care of Kim and Margot until we feel comfortably Hazel is no longer contagious. And I’m home with a sick, tired, and somewhat cranky toddler. just feeling a little beat and remembering when Hazel was tiny and I just lounged around with her sleeping on my chest in between feedings and diapers, and wishing I could do that now. But it’s likely to be a few days at best, could be a week….I’m just tired and beat.

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