For a little girl who just projectile vomited all over Starbucks. She is in a good mood, getting restless in the house, but not keeping anything down.
I thought she was maybe better this morning. I asked her what she wanted for breakfast, and she said starbucks. I felt like escaping the house, and it is a gorgeous day, so we walked the couple blocks over there. Bought her an oatmeal, and she was happily eating it and chatting and joking around. Then boom. All over her, the table, the floor, everywhere. Ugh. Carried her home in just a diaper.
This stomach bug is kicking my butt. I’ve got it still. Day 3.5 for me.
Sent Kim to her mom’s house until we get better. She didn’t want too, but I insisted. Especially with the pregnancy, didn’t want her getting sick. But it means taking care of a sick kid, while sick. Not much fun.