For the past month or so, Hazel’s bedtime routine has been a bath, brushing her teeth, followed by “hard working” (eczema cream), and then a few books. After a few books, we ask Hazel who she’d like to pat her bum to go to sleep. Since she was a baby, she’s always liked her bum patted for bedtime. It’s just been lately that in the last few months since she speaking in long phrases and short sentences (since April/May) that she’s really expressed her preference in the matter. Without fail though, here’s a typical conversation:
Geoff/Kim: Okay, Hazel, it’s time for bed.
Hazel: Nooooooo
Kim: Okay, do you want to put your books in your bed by yourself or do you want Mommy to do it.
Hazel: Hazel do it!!!!! (Hazel then runs to the crib and shoves as many books as she can find into the crib. Every night, Geoff and I marvel that there is enough room for her to even fit in the remaining space.)
Geoff: Time for bed now, Hazel. Do you want Mommy to pat your bum or Daddy?
Hazel: Mommy Bum!
Kim: Okay, then give Daddy a big hug and kiss goodnight.
Hazel: (At this point, without fail everynight, Hazel has buyer’s remorse). Noooo, Daddy Bum!
Geoff: Okay, then give Mommy a big hug and kiss goodnight.
(At this point, Hazel beams and runs over to Kim to give her a big hug and a kiss and seems happy with her choice).
Raising a nearly two year old has been so much fun. Bedtime can get a little tough because as I write this, Hazel is asking Geoff for the 5th sip of water, different songs, different animals on the bus, different animals on old McDonald’s farm. Geoff inevitably falls asleep on the floor of Hazel’s room while Hazel seems to have energy to spare. He’s just come out of the room to refill the water cup. Upon his return to the room, Hazel, who hs been patiently and quietly waiting in her crib, says with a huge grin infecting her voice, “Oh water!!!!” We say it’s like negotiating with terrorists but they are just so darn cute at this age.