Dear Grandma,
Daddy told me you used to collect elephants. I got a watering can the other day shaped like one. I love it. It’s even going out today with me, instead of Minnie,Reggie or Flamingo.
Watering plants is fun, though daddy said something about it being inefficient to use his hose to fill my watering can…
"Dear Hazel,
I would like a watering can like yours – I bet it makes watering the plants much more fun than my yellow one. It looks just the right size for you. We can’t use hoses to fill things as we have watering restrictions even though we have had lots of rain. Isn’t that silly?
I still have all my elephants -most of them live in boxes now but there are a few upstairs on the shelf above my desk. You can see them when you come but they aren’t for playing with as they are breakable.
See you soon – I am so excited,
Love, Grandma"