Well, it’s been a little over two weeks. We had a setback when we were in San Francisco. We didn’t have her regular cream, so I used the hotel lotion. Apparently, perfumes and such can make eczema worse, and this stuff made it really bad. A very quick reaction. =/ Her face was oozing.
In our desperation to help her, we haven’t been super scientific, we’ve changed both her diet (gluten-free) and used some stronger face creams. But it’s looking better. We’ll continue to experiment to see if we can figure out the trigger and how to prevent it from recurring.
2 weeks ago:
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Geoff Jennings <g> wrote:
Well, Hazel’s eczema is getting worse and worse. Sad that one of the words she already knows and uses is "Itchy". Creams and such seem to help a very limited amount, but certainly haven’t fixed the problem.
Since there is a link between Celiac and Eczema (and other skin conditions), and many non-celiac eczema patients report doing well on a gluten-free diet, we’re going to try a trial and see if it helps. Today is day 1 and this picture is to record an objective start. We’ll see.