Getting to know each other

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[nggallery id=4]It’s hard to believe she’s 15 days old already.  Wow.  Much of the last two weeks has been spent changing diapers and feeding, but sometimes, in between, we just chill.   She’s opening her eyes more, and will sometimes just stare.   It’s cute.

She’s getting big, fast.  We put her in an outfit today, and it seemed snug.  Wow.  Her cone head is gone, and the umbilical cord stump fell off today.   We’ve had her out once or twice, and people always ask how many months she is.  When we respond “2 weeks”, they seem a bit surprised.

Kim and I are starting to get her figured out a little better.  If she is clean, full, and burped, she is a pretty mellow, happy baby.

4 Responses

  1. She is so-o-o cute. I can’t wait until I get to see her and you guys at Christmas. By then, everything will be ‘old hat’ for you guys. She certainly is something to be proud about ! Keep up the good work….
    Love you all,
    Aunt Cathy

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